Saturday, February 26, 2011

I think it's hilarious how I always start these blogs and never come around to updating them.
I have no passion for anything right now. My moods are too inconsistent to do this sort of thing.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I am sad.
So I decided to make an advice post on how to deal with being sad. Not how to start being happy.. but how to deal.

1. Make sure your health needs are fulfilled. If you are hungry, eat a heart meal. Drink water. This is important, because being hungry can make you irritable.
2. Cry. Let it out. Let yourself feel it. Lie down and listen to silence. Holding it in will make you a ticking bomb, or just a really unhappy person. Really, let yourself feel it.
3. Write it down or draw what you are feeling.
4. Take care of your obligations so you won't freak out over them.
5. Listen to music on speakers, not in your ears, for minimum stress.
6. Get a hug.
7. Talk to someone.
8. Watch your favorite sitcom. Watch something just to make fun of it.
9. Pull yourself away from distractions, like t.v., ipod, internet. Those are addictions. Give yourself quiet time so you can relax and reduce stress and headaches.
10. Hang out with people you love. Don't wallow in your sadness for too long. Friends can help pull you out of that hole you are thinking of retreating in. The more you ignore your reality, the more challenging and big it will seem.

Breakups are hard. I thought my relationship was a dream come true. Learning that he didn't love me was like finding out Santa Claus wasn't real when I was young. Never idealize a person.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

thrift stores

I got this rose print 80's sweater at the Salvation Army the other day. Here's a random photo lol.
So anyway I've been really busy and stuff.. but I will post makeup tutorials and cool stuff after I get my app submitted, yay!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Concepts and Lolita fashion

I think it is so interesting when I hear a new idea,a new theory, a new concept...
and i feel this odd feeling in my head
like my thoughts had been trapped in a box
and they are trying to break though.
but that part of the brain is not developed yet, so the thought is just suspended
trying to branch out, but having nothing to grow on.
The newly absorbed information makes sense.. but not being able to connect it which anything learned before is daunting. I feel as if I've hit a wall.

Completely unrelated:

I got a classic lolita dress in the mail today. I've been tracking it all week!
I love it. I will take pictures tomorrow. I paired it with some brown and tan toned oxfords, which looks cute. They are not strictly lolita but I don't care. Lolita shoes are expensive and I don't like the chunky heels.
If you are wondering what Lolita is, it's a japanese fashion with knee-length dresses, blouses, petticoats, and an overall girlish, victorian-esque look. The point is to look like a doll. It's a bold fashion while still being modest.
There are many types of Lolita fashion, and the one I like the best at the moment is classic. It's the basic, most "socially acceptable" form of Lolita.
If you are thinking of the book "Lolita" this has nothing to do with it. Lolita is a japanese term coming from "loli" which means young girl, and "ita" meaning wants to be.. Please do not quote me on that Dx I just figured that's what it is since I've seen the words used separately.

I have a three day weekend! Yess! I'm going to have fun and get stuff done.

Oh yes, and I was cast as Mrs. Mayor in the musical Seussical! I'm so glad I got a part in my senior year! I can't wait to start rehearsals.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I always put off homework to do it on sunday. Doing it on saturday seems like a sin. I just can't do it, lol. I hate sundays, so why waste my one good day doing work?
I had an incredibly boring weekend consisting of being stressed out and staying up wayy too late.
My skin has been terrible lately. I have a word of advice for you: don't touch your face unless your hands are clean. Keep hand sanitizer with you. I'm not very good with this, I bite my nails, I scratch my head, I pick up shoes, touch handrails, and then touch my face. No. I need to stop doing that. They are nervous habits. If you're like me, you just need another nervous habit to replace it. Drum your fingers or something.
And once I feel a zit under my skin, I find a sewing pin and try to pop it. Dx I am terrible!
DO NOT DO THIS. It doesn't work. It just bleeds and gets sore, and then just turns into a nasty scab.
Learn from my mistakes. As soon as you wake up in the morning, wash your face. I broke out from neglecting to do so.
Usually, my skin is pretty clear. But lately it has been horrible. Stress, being a teenager, being a girl, being a person, having a face, it will do that to you.

My first post.

Hello! If you're reading this, you've found my brand new blog.

This blog is going to be the best ever bro! You can hopefully expect a new post every three days at least.
I will document my outfits, post makeup tutorials, hairdos, arts and crafts projects, and acting tips. I will critique and analyze poems, movies, etc. This may include some of my drabbling fiction works.
I also like to preach about what I believe. This is not about religion, but about self-esteem, self-image, and self-worth. I hope this will be a blog where girls can be inspired to be confident and believe in their own beauty. Posts will include tips on how to deal with issues, such as loss, insomnia, procrastination, insecurity, etc. I seriously know how it feels, and how common it is.

Please follow <3 Thank you!